Friday, October 30, 2015

When Khan and HISET meet. . .

While I have done similar projects to this one, on a more limited scale, it's nice to see HiSET do some of the heavy lifting.  Below you will find a new resource from HiSET copied from their website.

Khan Academy Math Videos
In collaboration with Khan Academy, the HiSET® program has identified videos and exercises that can assist you in preparing for the HiSET Math test. These training videos can improve the fundamental skills in Numbers and Operations, Geometry, Data Analysis and Algebra that you need to be successful on the HiSET Math test. See the Khan Academy Instructional Support Videos and Exercises (PDF) for more information.

Monday, October 26, 2015

HiSET Writing Test Changes in 2016

Starting in January 2016, HiSET is changing the Writing exam.

Switch Freely Between Parts

While the test is still 120 minutes total, they will now allow the student to switch back and forth between the multiple-choice part and the essay.  For most test-takers this will allow more time for the essay because the majority of people finish the first part with time left over.  I encourage everyone to take advantage of this extra time due to the other major change. . .

Essays in Context

The essay prompt is now in the context of two opposing-sides essays.  The test-taker must read the two essays and write a persuasive essay defending their side while acknowledging the opposition and citing the original texts.

HiSET provides "Scored Sample Writing Responses" here.  

If you want information on all of the tests for 2016, go to HiSET's 2016 Test at a Glance.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Useful Math Links

Here are some links to math sites that I have found useful:

LINCS An excellent resource for connecting with other Adult Education folks across the country and finding tons of resources.

PHET Online simulations of math and science concepts.  These are very useful, engaging and fun.  The HTML5 ones work the best. 

Illuminations  These are lessons, games, activities from the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)

TEAL Math works guide from TEAL (Teaching Excellence in Adult Education).