I recently spent the afternoon learning from John Romeo at Southeastern about the ways he uses technology to teach math classes using Zoom and other tech tools.
John using classflow.com via Zoom and tablets
John is using a Promethean interactive whiteboard to project a math problem onto the board. An alternative is to use a Mimio, which is less expensive, to make any whiteboard interactive.
A Mimio close-up
He has students come up to work the problem he is projecting while he is sending different math problems to students (who are located at multiple locations) via https://classflow.com/ The teacher needs a tablet, but students are able to respond with multiple types of devices.
Zoom view on John's interactive white board (Promethean)
The laptop that is capturing video and running Zoom
This is really a good way to educate the people to learn faster without boring... But for visually impaired people, we took different steps and put a helping hand to Support For Visually Impaired in Chennai and other places all over the world.